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Re: [OM] Seeking Wide Bokeh Monster

Subject: Re: [OM] Seeking Wide Bokeh Monster
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 10:46:33 -0900
> Glad you’re enjoying it. That was one of the hardest to part with. I used it 
> extensively in flat copy work when I was doing fine art reproductions for a 
> living. Amazingly sharp, corner-to-corner, even wide open!

On the 6D, there is some significant light fall-off wide-open and a
bit of resolution drop in the corners. By F4 to F5.6, it's even and
pixel-sharp corner to corner.

I've got a 20x30" print of "Last Sun on Polar Bear Peak" on my desk
here. Stunning. It looks like PanF shot in 6x7 except for the nuance
of micro-detail textures that are lost because of the lack of pixels.
The image is edgy-sharp, though. Corner to corner, it lacks nothing in
that department. The buyer almost cried when she saw it today.

There are two lenses that have gotten almost glued to the 6D these
days: The 28/2 and the 300/4.5. Both lenses are massive "fails" on
4/3, but work gloriously on the 6D.

What is fascinating is that 28mm is one of my most disliked
focal-lengths. I love 24mm and 35mm, but 28 just doesn't usually sit
well with me. But since mid-August, that's been my most used lens of
all. I'm very close to changing my "dying gasp" lens from the 35/2.8
and/or 100/2.8 to the 28/2.

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