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Re: [OM] Olympus 18mm/3.5

Subject: Re: [OM] Olympus 18mm/3.5
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 13:08:10 -0800
On 12/16/2018 7:16 PM, Mike Lazzari wrote:
It would be interesting to see how the Metabones Speedbooster Ultra likes 

I've wondered about rear element clearance with some of the wides. Specifically the 16mm and 18mm. I emailed MB but they were not much help. Some issues have been reported but I'm not filing the little metal thing off of my lenses. With the _quality_* of the digital offerings I really can't justify the Metabones SB.
I agree. I can imagine several reasons why one might want to use old, manual 
lenses on a SB, but none apply to me.:-)

* by quality I mean optical. I've been less than impressed with the o.a. quality of the digital offerings. Looks like the 9-18 is off to Olympus Repair U. Past alumni being the 12-60, 50-200 and EM5ii. And one other ??.

Yow! I've only had one failure of an AF lens. Inappropriate trust in an odd tripod head connector led to a 5-6' fall of a Tammy 28-300 mounted on 5D onto a rug. It seemed fine, but I took off the mount to look. One inner plastic boss that a lens mount screw screwed into had partially broken off. The hole was much deeper than the screw. I found a longer screw that went down into the unbroken part, and all was well.

Other than that, I've not had an AF lens, Canon, Tamron, Oly, Panny, Leica, 
fail (tattoo beat on wood).

Good Luck Moose

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