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Re: [OM] New lens in the harem

Subject: Re: [OM] New lens in the harem
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2019 17:24:30 -0400
On 10/4/2019 2:51 PM, Bill Pearce wrote:
I know this will sound silly. I understand that/

I have never liked shooting a fifty, or for that matter a 35. Bleh! however, I 
once owned a contax G system. Great cameras, best 35mm lenses I'v ever used, 
outperforming Nikon, Olympus and Leica, but world class bad AF. Makes molasses 
look fast. But what it did have was a 40mm. Somehow that lens spoke to me. I 
was thrilled using it. And now , I've got a m4/3 panny 20/1.7. It's a nice 
lens, and I'm happy with the older MK 1 version.

I don't believe there is any difference but external color. The original came in one color fits all gray. The Mk II comes in black or silver, to match the bodies.

I did a fair amount of looking a while ago, and could find no indication of any other change. Quite a lot of folks liked the lens, but wanted faster AF, so there was some noise when the MK II came out.

Slow Moose

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