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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 15:28:06 -0900
This discussion has an interesting parallel for me.

In the dance music production world we have synthesizers everywhere.
Big, little, new, old, digital, analog, mono, poly, sampled,
wavetable, etc., etc... But no matter how perfect the new digital or
computer-based simulations are, we still want a vintage analog synth
around. It's not so much that we use them, but we do sample them. But
most importantly, we use them for a necessary comparative that we can
use for recreating the sound with the digital tools.

I was able to pick up a low-cost and simple Moog synth that serves
absolutely no useful purpose. However, I do like to just play around
twisting knobs to come up with a new beep-boop sound. Once found, it
takes me 20 seconds to create it in something else.

It's weird because I have some of the best synthesizers in the world,
but find myself gravitating to old or reissued old synths as they are
MUCH more fun to use.

And like these "organic" lenses, it's not that we get anything
different than what we can get with 20 seconds in Photoshop, they are
just MUCH more fun to use.

Carry on, I'll go back to my girl-cave now.

AK Schnozz
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