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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 15:32:26 -0700
At 2/20/2024 10:10 AM, you wrote:
>Moose wrote:
>> Any communique from Kendra of The North is appreciated!
>Thank you. It's been a bit of a journey the past several years.
>"Midlife Crisis, Versions 2 and 3" kicked in at the same time and that
>has proven to be more consuming than I ever expected it to be.
>Midlife Crisis 2.0 is the equivalent conversion of a Ford F150 into a
>Porsche 911.
>Midlife Crisis 3.0 is attempting to break into the music scene as a
>producer, performer and DJ.
>So, this Lady of Loudness, Frau of the Faders, Damsel of Decibels,
>Babe of Beats, and Dutchess of DJing, the one and only Sister Schnozz,
>the Madam of Musical Mayhem, (not my stage name, but I'm tempted) has
>pretty much been outlawed in no less than 18 states. Fortunately,
>Alaska has (still has, at least for now), the strongest civil rights
>of any state, as it's literally baked into our state constitution. As
>such, my existence is mostly tolerated--except in Wasilla, which is
>our very own bit of Arkansas right here in Alaska.
>With these two major things going on in my life, and with the
>association that photography has with some past events and situations,
>I've largely been laying low. I learned the hard way that this is a
>journey that you end up losing nearly ALL of your friends and family.
>I reduced my exposure here out of self-preservation and as a defensive
>mechanism. I valued this community of ours so much that I really
>didn't want to know who was going to turn their backs on me, so I just
>went quiet so I wouldn't know.
>Anyway, I'm here. I'm not taking nearly as many pictures right now
>because of the extreme intensity of everything else I'm doing, but
>there is a new Canon system that is calling to me like the Sirens in
>the storm.
>Sister Schnozz

You are always welcome in my world, always.

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