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Re: SV: [OM] OM body wish list

Subject: Re: SV: [OM] OM body wish list
From: "John A. Prosper" <prosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 19:23:00 -0500 (EST)
Hi Folks,

Some people have posted wishes which are either incompatible or fail
to take certain design limitations into account.

You can't have backward compatibility with the Zuiko lens line AND
have aperture information displayed in the viewfinder.  The current
Zuiko lens arsenal does not transmit aperture information directly
to the host body.  In order to gain aperture-in-finder bodies,
Olympus would have to design an entirely new lens arsenal!---a most
economically daunting undertaking.

Furthermore, in order to gain 1/125-1/250 flash sync, Olympus would
almost certainly have to adapt a vertical shutter design.  If I
recall correctly, it was the horizontal shutter speed limitation to
a 1/75-1/90 flash sync rate which caused designers to switch to a
vertical shutter scheme. 

I thought Monsieur Clark was right on about remaining faithful to
the OM design philosophy.

John A. Prosper                         # Take firm hold of Instruction, do
Internet: Prosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     # not let go; guard her, for she is
          ProsperJ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   # your life.

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