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[OM] Re: C*non 500D 2 element diopter--compact macro solution or expensi

Subject: [OM] Re: C*non 500D 2 element diopter--compact macro solution or expensive and cacamamie
From: "Jeff Keller" <jrk_om@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 11:54:22 -0800
My understanding is that essentially all lenses are flat field. Many start 
to deviate from flat field as they are focused close. I also remember claims 
that the close up diopter lenses also usually gave a non-flat field with 
close focusing.

The macro lenses are optimized for focus at other than infinity. I think 
many actually optimize for a 1:10 size ratio even though they focus much 


----Original Message Follows----
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I think the true definition of a macro lens is that it is well corrected
for image magnification of 1:1.  They also have flat fields for copy
work and likely negligable distortion as well.  Nikon's lenses may all
have flat fields but I'll bet their high priced macros have even flatter
fields :-)  How flat is flat?

If you were photographing a painting I think you were far enough away
that any good quality prime at apertures of f/5.6-11 would hide any
optical sins.

Chuck Norcutt

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