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[OM] pictures, imposters near misses and car adverts

Subject: [OM] pictures, imposters near misses and car adverts
From: swisspace <swisspace@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 12:04:52 +0200
With all this talk of imposters and after the lessons learnt on Tuesday 
this week can I apply to be one, I now know that butane gas lamps work 
quite well even when submerged in water, I knew I should have paid more 
attention to chemistry before trying to do some plumbing in the  cellar, 
I also learnt that you should exercise extreme caution when putting down 
electric drills otherwise they can make nasty holes in things, 
fortunately for me this time just the trousers I was wearing. Actually 
these sort of things never used to happen to me so maybe I am the 
imposter already  :-).

Finally I managed to see sense (reluctantly) and agree that my beloved 
RS4 must be sold, so yesterday I cleaned it and took it to a nicer spot 
than outside our house to do some promotional photos, once again the 
fisheye comes useful. These shots are with the E1 but I also took some 
shots with the OM4 and Bronica - I stupidly forgot to take a telephoto 
because I couldn't capture the muscle from the arches with the wide 
angles so I think standing back and using a telephoto would have been 
much better, anyway your thoughts good and bad are welcome as always.

Spurred on by Graham's beautiful clouds I decided to test out if the 
yellow filter works better for digital (E1) black and white, apart from 
the fisheye I only have one coloured filter which hapens to be yellow 
and is 100mm so it only fits the 180F2. I found esp worked best for 
metering (normally I use centre weighted) but I think the colour shots 
are generally nicer. The order is colour photo then black and white 
version, converted in gimp with mode option) no other tweaks made. 
thought and opinions welcome.


cheers Ian

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