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[OM] Re: Good chuckle

Subject: [OM] Re: Good chuckle
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:53:46 +1000
Ohmygod! I've just had a bone scan and they shot me full of  
Technicium. It's bad enough that I have to avoid pregnant women and  
babies (well, not babies perhaps, nasty little  smelly noisy unformed  
pink blodges) but now I have to avoid the cameras? All of them? Just  
because I have an unhealthy glow (unlike the pregnant women). Erk.
Good job I'm ingenious enough to use a wireless remote. Dya think  
I'll interfere with the frequencies?

Andrew Fildes

On 18/10/2007, at 11:41 AM, Ali Shah wrote:

> "I have just bought from ebay a Zuiko adaptor for four
> thirds. Considering old Zuiko lenses, found they were
> made with addition of rare earths, and thus
> radioactive.(www.datasync.com/~farrar/zuiko.html#normal)
> Do these lenses mean a threat to the CCD sensors in
> the digicams?
> Thank you and forgive my ingenuity on the subject."

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