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Re: [OM] sunset this evening

Subject: Re: [OM] sunset this evening
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:23:23 -0700
> Maybe you can tell me why do you prefer to leave these photographs 'untagged'.
It is an artifact of using the 'Save For Web' function of PS. I use it 
because it's quick and easy and the result is small file sizes. The down 
side is it strips exif data and tends to oversaturate by 10-15 percent. 
I find that most people don't even know nor would they care if they did 
know that files can be tagged and so the extra data is superfluous. 
However a photo forum is an exceptional case and perhaps I should 
include it.

Now I'm curious. How many of you listeros view the exif data?


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