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Re: [OM] Since we're talking about planes (actually on-topic)

Subject: Re: [OM] Since we're talking about planes (actually on-topic)
From: Ian Nichols <ian.a.nichols@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 16:21:02 +0100
On 17 October 2011 11:36, JOHN DUGGAN <john.duggan10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Chris, As you say a tremendous plane for its time. Limited by its fuel 
> consumption - A lightning with drop tanks would have been interesting... 
>  ;-O>   Am I right in believing it was the first aeroplane with the ability 
> to accelerate vertically?

This may be completely wrong, but I'm sure I heard once that a Grumman
Bearcat could just about manage it (probably with low fuel, no
ammunition and using all the available roll control to counter the
torque reaction from the prop).  Not nearly the same rate of climb as
a Frightning, though.

Stand firm for what you believe in, until and unless logic and experience
prove you wrong.  Remember: when the emperor looks naked, the emperor *is*
naked, the truth and a lie are not "sort-of the same thing" and there is
no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza.

-Daria Morgendorffer
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