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Re: [OM] The 'legend' of two 'white' Olympus OM-4's

Subject: Re: [OM] The 'legend' of two 'white' Olympus OM-4's
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 13:43:19 -0800
On 11/13/2023 11:00 AM, Iwert Bernakiewicz wrote:
Ha, close, but no cigar:). It was an OM-4 (not ti), maybe also an OM-3 with
top (and bottom?) cover painted white. I have the feeling there was an
image in some magazine about that 'temperature test'.
The topic probably passed by the list when I was in Japan (around 1999 -
2000) or shortly thereafter, but before the demise of the system in 2002.
Or I dreamed about it, hahaha! Thank you for looking into it Piers!
I suppose the experiment took place around the time the big whites became

I don't recall that subject.

But it does make sense. I got my first DSLR in 2004, a silver finish Canon D300/Rebel*. It was cheaper than the far more "pro" looking D10, but with a firmware hack, did all the same things.

Sitting out in the sun in the front yard, I set the 300D and a black OM-4 on the table. Within just a few minutes, the Oly was much hotter than the Canon. At the time, noise and other problems from heat were topics of concern for digicams.

I concluded that the cheaper looking 300D was, in fact, superior in practical terms. To this day, I tend to keep my cameras in the shade.

Looking Back Warmly Moose

* With the then available tele zoom, the E-1 was terrible at low light focus, 
compared to the Canon, when I tried both.

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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