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Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time

Subject: Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 21:50:23 -0800
On 12/28/2023 5:04 PM, Steve Goss wrote:
Hi, Y'all-

Thank you for all the responses. Since I get the digest I'll summarize my 
replies here.


Used, especially from KEH is fine. Your EOS knowledge can't be any less than mine. Staying with Olympus would be nice. I do take cameras in some adverse conditions, although in really adverse conditions I use an Olympus TG5.

Super little cameras. I have the TG6, for the RAW files.

in the example album (https://link.shutterfly.com/rJfaeUOwUFb) the typical shots of kayaks were taken while I was standing in the river. The Thanksgiving shots are what pushed me over the edge. There were just so many that weren't crisp.


I'm fairly sure I have the older version of the 14-54.

Easy enough to tell. On the name plate on the side, there is a"II" after the 


I tried manually focusing the digital lenses a while ago, and found I was worse than autofocus. That especially goes for the 200mm lens, with it's very shallow depth of field. A lot of my subjects don't sit still.


The D1 MkIII and 12-100 sounds promising.

I had an OMD EM-1 Mk II. Excellent camera. But I wanted their magic Bird Focus AF (yes, magic!), so got an OM-1. Between these two bodies, the menu system was radically changed. Overall, for the better, but confusing for a long term Oly user. In the field, using two bodies, I found myself tied up in menu collision.

I couldn't switch rapidly from one to the other and change settings. One body worked one way, the other worked another. I gave up, bought another OM-1 and sold the older model.

The OMD EM-1 Mk III is a modest upgrade to the OMD EM-1 Mk II, and should be excellent (unless you want to shoot birds @ 1100 mm eq. - with Pro Mode sequential frames.)

The 12-100 is clearly a great lens, for everyone but me. We just didn't get along. Esp. the closest focus at wide end is silly and limits its attraction to me. Mike and I swapped this lens and the PLeica 12-60 back and forth in Bhutan. I preferred the PLeica; Mike and Marnie are still happily shooting a 12-100. 🙂

Lens & Body Blather Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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