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Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time

Subject: Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2023 14:48:46 -0800
On 12/27/2023 10:35 AM, Lawrence Woods wrote:
As someone who uses an OM-D E-M1 II, I agree with the recommendations to go with something like that, but that would put you on the used market. Coming from an E-520, an OM-5 might work for you if you want to stay with a brand new camera. You would not miss the "pro build" quality of am E m-1 or OM-1. A new OM-5 body is $1000, with a 12-45 lens, it is $1400. For a longer zoom range, there is the 14-150 II lens at $550, the 12-100 at $1200, or the 12-200 at $900.

All better lenses than the cheap one offered with the Canon.

These prices are from B&H as of 12/27/2023, and include holiday sale prices, but pretty much everybody, including your local dealer, sells OM products at the same official price.

Speaking of official prices, your dealer's price for the Rebel T7

Oops, I haven't been following Canon, and assumed the R7 that Steve mentioned was from their mirrorless line. No, no one needs a Rebel DSLR these days.

seems high. It is not a current camera, so at this point in time discounts from list price should be common. B&H has the T7 body with an 18-55mm lens for $480. You did not say exactly which lens you would get, but B&H has the 18-135mm EF-S lens for $600 (and grey market/white box versions for $500 and $550). If that is the lens you would get, your local store is charging you some $700 more for that class.

At this point in time, a DSLR like a Rebel T7 is old technology (comparedto mirrorless) . If you can afford it, I would make the jump to mirrorless regardless of the brand you choose. Especially at $1800 for the T7.

Agreed. The only reason to want a DSLR is for those who have to have an optical VF, but the penta mirror VF of the Rebels is crummy.

I'm assuming the kit lens is the  EF-M 18-150 IS STM. That's a really cheap lens! I can't believe an 8x zoom for under $400 list is much good. Also, STM is super quiet - for video, but doesn't allow manual focus adjustment in AF mode, unlike most lenses we are used to.

Unimpressed Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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