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Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time

Subject: Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2023 15:10:07 -0800
On 12/27/2023 5:45 AM, Chris Trask wrote:
I got my first E-500 so long ago I can't remember. Since then I've bought a 
couple more used ones as well as an E-510 and E-520. They all work well, but 
shortly after I got the first one I became dissatisfied with the two autofocus 
lenses that came with it. I soon learned about being able to use MF film lenses 
with adapters and have been doing so ever since.

I love using MF film lenses on digital, I don't like using them on a 4/3 sensor.

Even though I can't contemplate problems with the OM 400 lens, I would suggest 
you try a few other MF lenses before taking the $1,800 plunge. Lots of really 
decent ones out there on evilBay, and I could suggest a few if you're 
interested. My favourite for casual walk around is the Tamron 01A 
35-80/2.8-3.8. Plenty out there for less than $50:

This is an optically excellent lens:

OTOH 1, it's 70-180 eq. on 4/3, which isn't a walk around lens for most folks. Steve says he mostly uses a 14-54 lens - 28-108 eq.

OTOH 2, it's a mechanically very complex lens, with the limitations of focus range and focal length. My first one stopped working properly, refusing to go to some focal distance and focal length settings it should. I found another clean one that works, but they are even older now.

Caveats Moose

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