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Re: [OM] Films to put in OM for travel

Subject: Re: [OM] Films to put in OM for travel
From: "Tim Breen" <timbreen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 16:01:17 -0600
Hank Hogan said:

>Perhaps your photo instructor is having his film developed by a Pro lab 
>like A & I in Hollywood (Alexander & Ishikawa).  I think there is
>another lab that offers similar services in the San Francisco area.

We use the same (pro) lab.

>If I have a particularly precious roll of slides to be developed then I
>take it to A & I and have them develop a snip off the front or the end of
>film and then judge with one of their experts before running the rest of
>roll. It costs somewhat more but they can push or pull in 1/3 stop

Ah ha! Right you are! He *does* do that, and I don't. Or didn't anyway....

I would occasionally get a clip test done but usually only if I blew it
when I shot some film at the wrong ISO, or if I was cross-processing
something new. But you are right, my instructor does "clip" on a regular
basis. And now I do too.

>I believe some magazines insist that their photograper's use A & I.

I called them a couple of weeks ago and got their mailers and price list. I
was interested in the Kodachrome work that they are famous for (which they
don't do anymore, by the way, they sold the old reliable machine and put in
a new one and can't get it to work, so they are now farming out all the
Kodachrome film that comes in.)

Thanks for the suggestions. It just changed the way I'll approach this


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