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[OM] an OM weekend

Subject: [OM] an OM weekend
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 20:21:55 -0400
Ah, nostalgia! When I was a small boy I lived next to an Air National Guard base. The time being the late '40's and early '50's the Guard was flying P-51's. I knew all about them because my dad used to service them during the war. I used to ride my bike up and down the road near the runway just savoring the sound of those Rolls Royce Merlins. And then there was that @%@#$^ guy in the yellow pickup truck who always tried to chase me away. Ha ha. Never caught me.

Today I have to make do with a CD containing nothing but the sounds of P-51's. One of the cuts is of 3 or 4 aircraft recorded and re-recorded with delays introduced so it sounds like 15-20 aircraft. The intent was to recreate the sound of a flight taking off from an English airfield during the war. Wow! What a sound. It shakes the whole house.

OM content: I wish I'd had my OM's back then to snap some shots of the real thing before they all disappeared.

Chuck Norcutt
Woburn, Massachusetts, USA
John said:
One of the best parts was near the end of the show on Saturday when
a multitude of these aircraft took off one, right after the other.  The
cacophony of well over a dozen of these old engines in close proximity gave some feel for what it must have sounded like on the WWII airfields, not to mention the sound when they were all in the air. I've seen individual examples of these aircraft fly before, but not entire flights of them. Impressive is a gross understatement.

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