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Re: [OM] Put the blame where it is..

Subject: Re: [OM] Put the blame where it is..
From: Philip Pemberton <philpem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 09:56:28 +0100
In message <3F13A084.1040704@xxxxxxxxxxx>
          Albert <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> #1)  He found the cheapest developer he could find.  He got prints, and 
> then reprints at another place.  Both printed on cheap thin, tissue 
> paper like prints, with horrible inconsistent color.
I sent a load of films to "York Photo" a few years back - they mangled every
single one.
About six months ago I sent a few films to "Bonusprint". At least they did a
decent job of developing the films - not even one of the films came back
with spots or other developer-caused blemishes. I took a film to "Max
Spielman" or whatever they're called (big high-street chain). They didn't do
a bad job of the film I took in. Something like £3.50 for standard
two-to-three day developing.

> #2)  He took pics in Colorado, and HE LEFT THE FILM IN THE CAR FOR 2 WEEKS.
Strike one. That's going to do some major damage to the film... I'm surprised
it didn't melt.

> #3)  He shot every shot, into the sun.
Strike two.

> #4)  Did I mention it was P&S camera that has a plastic lens??
Heh - IME you can't really get decent pictures with a plastic-lensed camera.
My rule is "No glass lens, no sale". Even my Oly C-120 digital camera has a
glass lens. Supposedly coated, too.

> #5)  He bought consumer film that didn't even have an ISO printed on the 
> side; it just said "Max".
Strike three. I usually buy AGFA, Ilford (Delta400 is quite nice) or Kodak
(if I'm feeling rich) film. Name-brand high-quality stuff only. I usually use

> Inaccurate colors, uneven fading, no two prints look a like, flare like 
> there' s no tomorrow..
That reminds me of the Sony advert that's been on UK TV recently - "Five
megapixels, but no eye for a good photo".

I've got a rule that's always served me well - RTFM. Read the (friendly)
manual before doing anything with the camera.
Before I got my SLR, I picked up a book called "The Step by Step Guide to
Photography" by Michael Langford. It covers damn near everything from loading
the film to developing and printing. Needless to say, my OM10 has had more
B&W film run through it than colour film. I like having the ability to
control the developing of the film myself.

> I am now man enough to blame myself before I blame the camera, why won't 
> most men??
I only blamed my camera once - when the clutch (?) on the film reel jammed. I
ended up losing a good few exposures from when I went to New York. Then
again, maybe the sprocket holes on the film got ripped apart...

> OM Content;  I see my OM takes much better pictures than a plastic 
> lens'ed N*kon P&S.  Of course, it would be embarrassing if it didn't..
What surprises me is the number of people who keep saying "It's a N*k*n so it
must be good". Nobody seems to use Olympus photography equipment any more.
Heck, even Jessops have got a Stop Sale on all Olympus OM lenses, bodies,
etc. "The OM gear is getting a bit long in the tooth now, I'd recommend you
switched over to a N*k*n". Hmm... A 20-odd year old camera that still works
flawlessly. Can anyone guarantee that an almost-all-plastic N*k*n will last
that long?

Phil.                              | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
philpem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx              | video mods, 10BaseT (i3 EtherLAN600),
http://www.philpem.dsl.pipex.com/  | 8xCD, framegrabber, teletext
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