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Re: [OM] An amazing discovery... well, to me anyhow

Subject: Re: [OM] An amazing discovery... well, to me anyhow
From: "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 16:19:06 -0600
I wasn't gloating.  Honest!  It was tough...

One reason why my E-1 has less image-affecting dust is the excessive depth
to the filterstack on the front of the sensor.  The E-1 sensor (and I
presume many of the successors) has rather thick UV and IR filters. This
means that any dust that settles on the vibrating membrane in front of the
filterstack is actually quite a distance from the sensor surface itslef.
Therefore dust bunnies are far enough out of focus to not be an issue.

I thought my sensor was clean until I shot at F295.  Then I realized just
how cruddy it was.

My cleaning method is to cut a corner off of a "Swiffer" dust cloth, wrap it
around a Q-tip and wipe away.  That gets all but one or two specs which then
fall right off the next time the camera starts up.  I've done this 2-3 times

The only negative side-effect I've found with the "Swiffer" method is my
wife expects me to dust the rest of the house while I'm at it.

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