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RE: [OM] Negative & Slide film... Price versus Quality

Subject: RE: [OM] Negative & Slide film... Price versus Quality
From: Tris Schuler <tristanjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 13:33:58 -0700

For some applications I believe higher-cost film is a good selection, but for general purposes the consumer films from Fuji and Kodak give good service. I know I'll draw hoots all around when I say this, but I've had no trouble at getting very good pictures with, say, MAX 400 in the street, same with Fuji's regular Superia series of emulsions. The thing is, you don't always know what you'll be shooting when you head out, and with only one body/film to work with (which is the typical situation for the normal photographer around the world) then it seems to make sense to take a film which has been designed to render good results in a wide range of light conditions. The Kodak and Fuji "consumer" films were formulated for just this purpose. (And I suppose the same can be said for similar consumer films from other manufacturers, but I don't know for sure as I don't use those.)


 On the subject of film selection, I was entertained by listening to the
conversation between the person in queue in front of me and the salesperson
while at the camera shop a while ago:

 Customer: I'd like a roll of the 326 film, please.
 Salesfolk: 326? It normally doesn't come in that speed; do you want 200 or
 Customer: no, that one <fx: points>
 Salesfolk: Oh, the roll that _costs_ $3.26. Right. That'll be ...

 and on it goes.

 (not that I haven't wound up buying film just because it's cheap, but, in
my defense, lately it's been either out-of-date B+W film for the
Holga/general darkroom experimenting, or some of the whole lot of Kodak
Royal Gold that a local place is clearing out; it's not amazing film, but
it's better than the generic cheap OEM'd Fuji stuff I'd otherwise get and
not a lot more)

 That said, every time I make the effort to buy the good stuff, I'm reminded
why it's worthwhile when I get the prints back, but whenever I'm buying,
some weird mental block descends on me..

 -- dan

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