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[OM] Re: E-1 craving, and some random thoughts...

Subject: [OM] Re: E-1 craving, and some random thoughts...
From: "Bill Pearce" <bs.pearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 16:43:24 -0500
> Hasselblad took a lot of heat over the years because their cameras
> were tough to focus, particularly (and naturally) in low light.
> Their response after many years of complaints?  Acute-matte focusing
> screens.  Even when installed in older camera they improved VF
> brightness and made focusing and composition easier.
> What probably prompted them to act was the stark contrast between
> their VFs and those of the Rollei 600x series

Oddly, I've never even seen an accumatte screen. I sometimes think one would 
be nice, but then I see the price, and come back to my senses. I just 
checked KEH, and an EX+  is $189, and a BGN is $126. That's with grid, which 
I find essential in the 'blad. I've also never seen a rollei. Most people I 
know aren't willing to spend that kind of money on something with that 
reliability record. I wonder if they are like French cars, OK at home, but 
can't survive the Atlantic crossing.

Oh, and Candace! With our record, she will give up in about a month. Let's 
see how long we can stay off guns, SUV's, international politics, etc.

And, Candace, I'm with whoever mentioned monitor profiling. I think the 
single most important accessory if you plan to digitally play with your 
photos, is some kind of profiling device. Without one, everything is a 

Bill Pearce 

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