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[OM] Re: [OT] US taxes, was: [ot] alternative fuels

Subject: [OM] Re: [OT] US taxes, was: [ot] alternative fuels
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 22:21:28 -0400
He apparently missed the fact that the tax tables were for "taxable" 
income.  I didn't illustrate the thousands of deductions.

Chuck Norcutt

Johnny Johnson wrote:
> At 09:22 PM 4/12/2007, Andrew Fildes wrote:
>> What is interesting to me there is that there is no tax-free
>> threshold - if I earn $10 in a year in the US I'd owe the IRS a
>> dollar? That's harsh. Here there's a threshold of somewhere around
>> $6-7K where no tax is payable.
> Same here in the US Andrew.  There's something called a Personal 
> Exemption of $3,300 each for yourself, your spouse, and each 
> dependent.  If you work things right you can even get something 
> called an Earned Income Credit where you pay no taxes at all but get 
> some money given to you.

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