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Re: [OM] nearly, or not quite

Subject: Re: [OM] nearly, or not quite
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 22:35:27 -0500
> Slip away for a couple of days and things get all crazy here. Chuck
> giving detailed instructions on the correct use of E-thingies?

Well, forgive us, Moose, but we Olyheads don't bother reading, much less
CARRYING a manual with us because the hideous menu system is adequate and
the cameras are designed to be used.  It just happened that the OP's
question had to do with something where Olympus went and changed the
technical description on a feature on one particular model.  It isn't a
problem with the cameras, just the nuts running it.

However, if we Olyheads DID read the manuals, we'd find invaluable
functionality that we've ignored.

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