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Re: [OM] IMGs: Weekend Storm Damage

Subject: Re: [OM] IMGs: Weekend Storm Damage
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:03:22 -0400
Interesting that the trees seem to have simply been pulled out of the ground. My experience also as a small tornado passed a short distance behind my house in Florida about 20 years ago. A large ficus was just pulled out of the ground and laid on its side with its roots flailing in the air. Had the soil been softened by recent rain?

Chuck Norcutt

On 7/15/2014 1:29 PM, Chris Trask wrote:
      Late Sunday afternoon we had a very strong rogue storm cell pass from 
east to west about eight miles south of me.  The combination of at least two 
micobursts together with straight-line winds caused a significant amount of 
damage for a distance of about ten miles, and the cleanup will probably 
continue for at least a week.

      The ost significant damage took place near the intersection of Kyrene and 
Rural Roads, knocking down almost every tree in the immediate area and damaging 
the roof of this church:


      There was a great deal of damage in a small semi-rural area to the 
northwest, and I ended up in the midground of a television newscast while 
carefully taking photos and not getting in the way of the repair crews:




      This homeowner was extremely fortunate that the massive pine tree in 
front of his house fell into the wind, otherwise he would have suffered 
significant structure damage:



Others were far less fortunate, and the damage will keep roofers busy for 
weeks, with many homeowners being ripped off by illegitimate fly-by-night con 

      This tree was literally pulled fro the ground and deposited in the nearby 
Kyrene Canal:


      This pair of pine trees, along with numerous others surrounding a large 
open area, were easily blown down:


and here you can see why:



When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
      - Hunter S. Thompson

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